Tag Archives: oil free

Kebab flavored Meatloaf


1-2 pounds Minced chicken
1 cup Bread crumbs
1-1/2 teaspoons Ginger/Garlic paste
1 teaspoon Swad Green Chili paste
1 teaspoon Swad Mint chutney
1 cup of green peas
1 cup chopped spinach
1 bunch of chopped cilantro
1 tablespoon plain yogurt
1 teaspoon Shan Bihari kebab mix
1 teaspoon Shan Chapli kebab mix
Handful of fried onions
Salt as per taste

Mix above ingredients.

Spray the pan with olive oil, place the mixed ingredients in pan and level out the mixture.

Cover with Aluminum foil and bake at 350° for 40 minutes
Remove foil and bake for an additional 20 mins at 350°.

Wait for 10 minutes before slicing to let the meat rest.

Food served with curried couscous and salad with navy beans. Topped the meatloaf off with Maggi Tomato Chili sauce.

Happy Cooking!

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